My love for music and my musicianship is most evident as a jazz singer, but I enjoy singing many other styles as well. I am anchored in Prague, where I have the best ground for my jazz activities in the Czech Republic, but when the opportunity comes, I will go to the other side of the country to sing. I like to perform and make music as “art”, but I also enjoy performing at social events, in restaurants and bars, when it’s more about musicianship in its craft form. I always want to enjoy every performance as much as possible, including working with the musicians in the band and interacting with the people we play for.
My life has been connected with music since I was a little girl. Thanks to my mother, a piano teacher, I started learning to play this beautiful instrument when I was four years old. I first got behind the microphone in high school – the rock band I was originally supposed to play keyboards in somehow couldn’t find a singer. I found my way to jazz gradually. Through studying classical piano and singing in a bar band where everything was tailored to what our audience knew and wanted to hear, I began to realize how important it was for me to be free in music. Then when I discovered the world of jazz standards, swing music and big bands, it was a done deal. I didn’t study jazz or singing, and after coming to Prague at the age of twenty-three I started building my musical micro-world from scratch. I still have a lot of musical dreams, but many of them have already come true. I am grateful for this and look forward to all the musical adventures that await me in the future.
Big band Semafor, Big Band Českého rozhlasu, Big band Neratovice, Big band Pražského salónního orchestru, Big band Rokycany, Big band Vyškov, Famous Swing Melodies (Reduta Jazz Club Praha), Jazz In Flagranti, Jazz Efterrätt, J. J. Jazzmen, Maranatha Gospel Choir
AghaRTA Jazz Centrum (Praha), Art Jazz Gallery (Piešťany), Bamboo (Zlín), Besední dům (Vyškov), Blues Sklep (Praha), Bratislavské jazzové dni, České doteky hudby, Divadelní klub Horáckého divadla Jihlava, Divadelní klub Polička, Divišovo divadlo (Žamberk), Dům kultury Ostrov, G-klub (Šumperk), Horká vana (České Budějovice), Chaberský dvůr (Dolní Chabry), Jazz Boat (Praha), Jazz Club Teplice, Jazz Dock (Praha), Jazzový festival Černošice, Jazz Goes to Town (Hradec Králové), Jazz na Hradě (Pražský hrad), Kladenské Dvorky, Klášter Broumov, Kulturní a konferenční centrum Litoměřice, Kulturní dům Dobříš, Kulturní dům Dobruška, Kulturní dům Česká Lípa, Kulturní středisko Svět (Mladá Boleslav), Kunstfabrik Schlot (Berlin), Národní dům v Ústí nad Labem, Pelclovo divadlo (Rychnov nad Kněžnou), Reduta Jazz Club (Praha), Roškotovo divadlo (Ústí nad Orlicí), Společenský dům Bruntál, U Malého Glena (Praha), U Staré Paní (Praha), Ungelt Jazz & Blues Club (Praha), Zámek Dobrohoř…
Alchymist Grand Hotel & Spa (Praha), Angelo Hotel Prague, Art Nouveau Palace Hotel (Praha), Augustine Hotel Praha, Back Doors (Praha), Beef House (Praha), Food Lab (Praha), Grand hotel International Prague, Hotel Galant (Mikulov), Hotel Hilton Old Town (Praha), Hotel Imperial (Karlovy Vary), Hotel Hotel Mandarin Oriental (Praha), Hotel Savoy (Praha), Lázně Františkovy Lázně, Mamaison Hotel Prague, Nadace Občanského Fóra, Reprezentační ples 2018 (Národní dům na Vinohradech, Praha), Restaurace Obecní Dům (Praha), Restaurace Oblaca – Žižkovská věž (Praha), Radisson Blu Alcron Hotel (Praha), Royal Beroun Golf Club, Spa resort Tree of Life (Lázně Bělohrad), Vyhlášení Banka roku 2015 (Žofín, Praha), Vyhlášení Superbrands 2016 (budova ČNB, Praha)…